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Nestgen and FIU, A Synergistic Meld by Irene Sperber
Florida International University campus, located on the site of an abandoned airfield, is appropriately the first to fly NestGen’s inaugural exhibition adeptly identifying the increasingly urgent ecological implications of our modern world. Through the creative process, 30 artists have come together with a sculptural vision identifying topics critical to each person. This remarkable project gathers […]
Bartus Bartolomes per Rosa Didonna
Nelle opere presentate alla “Rassegna Internazionale Plagi” alla Globalart dell’artista Bartus c’è una nota ed evidente ricerca del senso formale e di una tecnica concettuale volta verso l’oltre esplicabile attraverso un dinamismo moderno ,un percorso di ritmi respirati dal profondo dell’ ”animus “ l’artista. Attraverso le geometrie sussultate l’artista percorre un messaggio interiore, essere archetipo […]
Giants in Miami por José Carlos de Santiago
En esta última edición de Art Basel Miami Beach un proyecto de arte público llamó particularmente mi atención. Concebido para redimensionar la creación individual a escalas monumentales, así como para acercar la creación a un espectador poco habituado a visitar exhibiciones o galerías; pensado para sensibilizar y ser una vía cuasi didáctica de aproximar a […]
Bartus Bartolomes Poetical Antidotes to Alphabetize the World By Giovanni Ciucci
When commonly referring to overloaded information, to obsessive accumulation of signals in the circuit of production and reception of the visual and textual context, we are generally content with a kind of observation, a confirmation which actually leaves everyone overwhelmed by this sequence nearly uninterrupted in its unfolding and repetition. Indeed a fact by now […]
Bartus Bartolomes: A Visual Poetry of Secret Codes by Gabino Matos
[themify_quote] Art is directed to our minds, not to our eyes … Art is language, an instrument of knowledge and communication. There is nothing more shared than passion for Art Jean Dubuffet [/themify_quote] Bartus Bartolomes is one of those renowned Venezuelan artists who enjoys a better recognition abroad than in his own country. A reason […]
Bartus: Narración y Pintura por Laura Resendiz
Bartus Bartolomes expresa gran sensibilidad dentro de sus cuadros. Originario de Caracas, Venezuela, desde muy temprana edad tuvo que vivir el exilio en Colombia y Europa debido a los cambios en el régimen político de su país. Esto fue el inicio de un peregrinaje alrededor del mundo, que marcó definitivamente la forma en que visualiza […]
The Masks and The Pen of Bartus Bartolomes By Gérard-Georges Lemaire
Figurative or not, but more figurative than not, the work of Bartus Bartolomes lies in the conjonction of diverse procedures which make it singular as well as unique. On one hand, he utilizes colour plans which may or not coincide with a precise shape, which have the fluidity of ink wash or watercolors. Thereafter, his […]
Cosmo-Vision of Pictographic by Carlos Suárez de Jesús
The work of Bartus Bartolomes straddles both the remote past and a sense of a not so distant future. He conjures a remarkable Cosmo-vision of pictographic figures infused with a peculiar stamp of absurdity that inspire amusement, induce anxiety and resist easy branding. One could call him a magician of the everyday who beguiles the […]
The Art of the Americas by V.R.
The Latin Americas The use of the plural is required. To reiterate this point are not only the most recent debates but the same nature of an exterminated land to say the least. It is a forcing to use the singular genre. A nonsense which has dragged on for centuries, from which passes over in silence the great vivacity […]