2015 Barnes & Noble & Amazon [themify_quote] La quintaesencia de la percepción y del conocimiento humano residen en la intuición poética y su acento en la poesía breve abrazando todas sus tendencias desde el Haiku cuya ortografía es el gran testamento universal de la literatura japonesa así como la fuerza encantadora del soneto libre, la seguidilla o […]
Nightmare in New York
2014 Palibrio [themify_quote] Bartus Bartolomes poetical antidotes to alphabetize the world When commonly referring to overloaded information, to obsessive accumulation of signals in the circuit of production and reception of the visual and textual context, we are generally content with a kind of observation, a confirmation which actually leaves everyone overwhelmed by this sequence nearly […]
Il diluvio è una cicala con le labbra azzurre
2012 Campanotto Editore [themify_quote] Plasmar en metáforas gráficas la materialidad del acto poético, despojar del rigor arquetípico la experiencia narrativa, establecer una alianza de mutuas diferencias entre íconos y poesía despojando al “yo lírico” de su sobre valorización académica, construir una narrativa sin la contaminación “sintáctico-semántica” en línea genealógica del tribalismo metodológico de todos los diversos movimientos […]
Birds Birdy Birding
2012 Campanotto Editore
The horns of the rhinoceros
2011 Campanotto Editore [themify_quote] The Horns of the Rhinoceros After sweating all night like a cup of boiling infusion, and soiling the spots on my skin with eschatology, I place my sunglasses over my tanned brow and I turn off the colors of the world. The sea has sketched gigantic greens in the apple of […]
La saliva del gorilla
2010 Campanotto Editore [themify_quote] Forse la saliva di questo gorilla è intrisa di petrolio succhiato all’ombra di più incantate foreste, attonite amazzoni private di un antico dono che la natura ha trasformato in un gioiello del presente. Stanco vecchio bosco di ossa e banani assediato da babbuini che masticano chewing gum e orinano dando del […]
Sushi Poems
2008 Campanotto Editore [themify_quote] The life of Bartus Bartolomes reads like a pulp action novel of art and development. It is a voyage of discovery where the conquests consist of knowledge and experience. Bartus arrived on earth at Hacienda ‘Potosi’ in Uribante Caparo. At seven he first entered that altered state of exile when a […]