Ytaelena Lopez: How do you connect to this year’s theme? Bartus Bartolomes: It is the year which vertebrates the world project of the dematerializing of art and art sciences; it is the millenium of the fusion of all aesthetics (Bartus) YL: What do you hope gallery visitors will take away with them after visiting your […]
Statements & Interviews
Work on progress by Vanessa Escalona
Vanessa Escalona: What inspires you? Bartus Bartolomes: Inspiration is always plural; it is the law of gravity itself, falling as an unexpected curiosity, mutating into an intimate message which then strives to eject itself to the exteriority of the world or the daily life. It would seem to be a authentic angelical act carrying away […]
My Zoology of Art by Bartus Bartolomes
I have sought to break with the linear constructivist art vision. I have tried to mixmediate all styles; shooting the composition itself; deposing the dictatorship of the perverted color of the pure abstract path. I have run away from the ‘outlining’ painting style that converts creation in a grammar of repetition, I have escaped from […]
Arctic Landscapes by Bartus Bartolomes
My proposal is didactically to expose a plural action interacting artists and students who converge, share and makes micro-installations interlink to a mega-installation collegially created and not looking to ideological interpretations of the construction of works of art, but the relation between art and nature in a spatial symbolism that draws us a sculptural image […]
As a culturally integrating and nomadic art collective domiciled temporarily in NYC, B2Art has all ways sought to be free of any spatial or geographic limitations that might impose the cultural esthetics of one city when it comes to creating and producing B2Art events. Many alternatives have been explored in communities of artists or associations […]
Poesie Visive. Inseguendo la parola per Giovanni Trimeri
I libri e le pagine diventano parte della composizioni delle poesie visive di artisti italiani e stranieri. Tra gli artisti in mostra: Eugenio Miccini, Sara Campesan, Bartus Bartolomes, Michele Perfetti, Paolo Brusky, Tom Raworth e Julian Blane. Si tratta di una sperimentazione artistica e letteraria della Neoavanguardia, nata a partire dagli anni ’60 del Novecento. […]
Transpositionism (*)
Art history is not the history of the past, just as human emotion does not express nor adjudges the process of emotionalism. Contemporary art would seem to be a wireless phone living just in one’s ears, whose number is an orgy of academic beasts skating in the ice of stock trader eyes. “Transpositionism” is an […]
A Few Reflexions on Contemporary Art by Bartus Bartolomes
In the widely globalized scenario of “contemporary art” there is a trend which promotes an expositive praxis tending to consecrate the casual and the ephemeral, a subtle modality invading museums, art , fairs, public and private spaces and not requiring a general gnosis of history of Art. This practice, characterized by its history- depriving culture […]
La Estética del siglo XXI por Bartus Bartolomes
El lirismo oficialista u oficioso laureado en las dos Américas tanto luso-hispana como anglosajona y consagrado por incoados entes públicos como privados con notorias excepciones es el inmenso gran fraude literario de este siglo. Mientras la humanidad busca salvar la democracia cognoscitiva, el oficialismo culturalista aprovecha e impulsa en estas sub-regiones una deplorable chatarrería literaria […]