Bartus Bartolomes
Por Guido Savio. Writer from the Magazine Carte Segrete, Abracadabra, Tam Tam y Zeta Int. Secondo me questa cartella di Bartus Bartolomes segue questo tragitto: raccoglie i reperti, i campioni, i rimasugli, le scorieche una certa quotidianità visiva lascia nello spazio e nel tempo, per poi riprodurli grafiticamente. Parole graffiate dunque nella loro disponibilità alla significazione, come occupanti un […]
Art Nexus
Art Nexus N° 80 Vol. 10 Jan. 2011 / pag 23. Art Nexus N° 83 Vol. 10 Jan. 2011 / pag 36. Art Nexus N° 84 Vol. 11 2012 / pag 23. Art Nexus N° 79 Vol. 9 2010 / pag 53 (B2art). Art Nexus N° 82 Vol. 10 2011 / pag 69.
13th Annual Day of the Dead Exhibition at SOMArts Cultural Center by Ytaelena Lopez
Ytaelena Lopez: How do you connect to this year’s theme? Bartus Bartolomes: It is the year which vertebrates the world project of the dematerializing of art and art sciences; it is the millenium of the fusion of all aesthetics (Bartus) YL: What do you hope gallery visitors will take away with them after visiting your […]
Work on progress by Vanessa Escalona
Vanessa Escalona: What inspires you? Bartus Bartolomes: Inspiration is always plural; it is the law of gravity itself, falling as an unexpected curiosity, mutating into an intimate message which then strives to eject itself to the exteriority of the world or the daily life. It would seem to be a authentic angelical act carrying away […]
My Zoology of Art by Bartus Bartolomes
I have sought to break with the linear constructivist art vision. I have tried to mixmediate all styles; shooting the composition itself; deposing the dictatorship of the perverted color of the pure abstract path. I have run away from the ‘outlining’ painting style that converts creation in a grammar of repetition, I have escaped from […]
Nestgen and FIU, A Synergistic Meld by Irene Sperber
Florida International University campus, located on the site of an abandoned airfield, is appropriately the first to fly NestGen’s inaugural exhibition adeptly identifying the increasingly urgent ecological implications of our modern world. Through the creative process, 30 artists have come together with a sculptural vision identifying topics critical to each person. This remarkable project gathers […]
The Honors College Florida International University
Correspondencia: From: Lesley Northup <northupl@fiu.edu> Date: 2014-08-07 8:54 GMT-04:00 Subject: Thank you so much To: “bartusbartolomes@gmail.com” <bartusbartolomes@gmail.com> [themify_quote]Dear Bartus: On behalf of the students and faculty of the Honors College at Florida International University, I would like to personally thank you for the generous donation of the artwork, “Alhambra Aqua,” through our artist-in-residence Leonor Anthony. […]
Belle Parole per Valerio Deho
Poesia visiva e altre storie tra arte e letteratura Alla Galleria Carifano, per iniziativa della Fondazione Gruppo Credito Valtellinese, dal 30 aprile al 28 giugno 2014 verrà presentata la grande mostra dedicata alla Poesia visiva, la corrente artistica sviluppatasi nei primi decenni della seconda metà del Novecento come ricerca di rottura degli schemi tra le […]
Art Districts
Florida N° 33 December 2014 Interview by Irene Sperber Pag 40 and Pag 58 / 61 Photographer and Writer based in Miami FL. ’The Examiner Art in America