Graphic Art Works, Bauer du Lac Hotel, Zurich. Solo Show
Icono-Transtromias, Galeria de la Alianza Francesa, Caracas. Venezuela. Solo Show. Installation: Festival Gastronómico-Indígena. Hotel Tamanaco. Caracas .Venezuela. Solo Show
Diplomatic Enclave at J.W.M.G. Beijing , China . Solo Show Graphic Art Works, Hotel Hilton Internacional, Hong Kong. Solo Show. Exhibitions of Collages, Hotel Dialogue, Libreville, Gabon. Solo Show. Saint-Exupery Art Center, Libreville, Gabon, Group Show. Exhibit traveling in Canoes by the Congo River. Point Noir-Brazzaville- Kinshasa. West Africa.
Mise en scene and Installation of the Visual performance, Because Because at Shri Ram Center. Mandi House, New Delhi, India. Solo Show, Curator by Kamal Vyas. Ninth International Contemporary Art Exhibition, AIFACS Gallery, N. Delhi India. Group Show Museum of Modern Art, Chandigarh, India. Group Show Second Int. Graphic Art Exhibition, Lucknow and Bangalore, AIFACS Galleries.India, Group Show. […]
Gallery Cristobal Rojas, Embassy of Venezuela. Paris – France. Solo show. Performance and Installation “Gipsy Reverie”. New Delhi India. Solo Show Exhibit at the Wagon restaurant of the Transiberian Train from Moscow to Beijing.
Centro Ricerche Artistica Contemporanee, Verifica 8+1 Venezia-Mestre. Solo Show. Mostra Internazionale Di Poesia Visiva. Rocca Comunale Medioevale. Group Show Rassegna Internationale D’Arte. Palazzo Munizipale, Muggia, Italia, Group & Solo Show. Galleria D’Arte Abbecedario, Nuova Visualita. Forli, Italia, Group Show. Dhoomi Mal Gallery, New Delhi. India. Curator Ravi Jain. Solo show
Cantiere Internazionale D’Arte. Cantina Di Fognado, Montepulciano, Italy. Solo Show. Settimana di Arte. Instituto Italo Latino Americano. Roma Italy. Group Show
Carlo Marcello Conti, Adriano Spattola, Lamberto Pignoti , Bartus Bartolomes. Figura & Scritura Piratello. Pasian di Prato Udine Italia.
1978 – 1977 – 1976 – 1975
Street Art, Graffiti & Free Lance in San Francisco, California, Guatemala, Panama, Argentina & Venezuela.
Universidad de la Plata. Photocollages & Art works. La Plata Argentina Solo Show. Photographs, Kultur Huset. Stockholm Sweden. Group Show