Campanotto Editore


The life of Bartus Bartolomes reads like a pulp action novel of art and development. It is a voyage of discovery where the conquests consist of knowledge and experience.

Bartus arrived on earth at Hacienda ‘Potosi’ in Uribante Caparo. At seven he first entered that altered state of exile when a change of government translates directly to a change of place.

Diplomat, artist, printer, poet and impresario in the vanguard of expression; he has studied calligraphy in Beijing, Bantu art in Libreville, Gabon and been an early participant in Neo-Symbolist art in New Delhi, India as well as a champion of poetry in Italy among other things.

He is himself an exotic locale from another dimension. It is a state where poetry matters and poets have names and followings, paper is handmade, inks are significant and a stroke on a letter form contains a world.

His travels in time and place have lead him to be a local on our small planet which he considers his neighborhood. He knows her jungles and her cities big and small. This intimate of Gaia knows her cults and rhythms. He is a devotee of the ancient and an acolyte of mysteries in addition to being a cutting edge expression of down to the nano-second modern.

Bart is a champion of the emerging and a diver for treasures from the submerged as evident from his participation in B2 Art. His latest work can be seen in the exhibit, “Apocryphae: Visions of the Sacred and Profane” opening December 6, 2010 in New York City.

Introduction by Ramón Granda (Author of the “Sirene City”)
New York 2010.
