Art Monaco 2013. ‘One Man Show’. Sculptures. Gallery Monteolivetto. Nice- France.

Snug Harbor Art Lab. Public Project. . State Island, N.Y. USA;

41st Salon Antibes. & Modern Art Fair. April 20th/May 6th.Port Vauban. Old Port of Antibes.

Smart Aix 2013 en Provence Art Fair. May 2/6. Gallery Monteoliveto. France.

Art of the Prom. Promenade des Anglais.7/9 june. Gallery Monteoliveto. Nice. France ‘Transitoriedad’.

Ateneo del Táchira. Salón de Lectura. One Man Show, San Cristobal, Tachira. Venezuela

Biblioteca Civica di Feltre, Belluno. Italy.

Poesia Visiva Group Show.

Art Monaco 2013. One Man Show. Irreversible Art Projects, Air Sculptures. Giants in the City.

Global Art Gallery. “Rassegna Internazionale Plagi” Globalart . Noicataro, Italy

Miami International Art Fair. (MIA) Irreversible Art Projects.

MIA Encore Aboard SeaFair. April 4/7 Miami. Florida